Sunday, 30 June 2013

Crit 24/06 - 30/06

Well after what seem like an age, I've finally made it out to Romania where I'll be spending the next 8 weeks leading groups of students around numerous village in the Tarnava Mare region recording all the species of birds and their abundance to prove how beneficial the traditional  farming methods are to the wildlife here. As well recording all the bird life out here, I'll also be looking for other interesting wildlife too.

It's only the first village, and I'm already realising it's going to be impossible to write down everything seen, so I'll just write down the highlights from each village. The Star bird for me so far has to be the Red-backed Shrike, not only are the males stunning to look at there's just so many of them. Other notable birds include Corncrake, Quail, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Hobby, Black Redstart, Hoopoe, Wryneck, Bee-eater, Grey-headed Woodpecker, Hawfinch and Corn Bunting to name but a few.

As well as the incredible bird life, there's some amazing insects too, including several of these Humingbird Hawk Moths.

I've added this photo of the White Stork as well, because it shows how rich the meadows are with wild flowers.