Friday, 3 January 2014

New year and already a new species...

 Well after thinking I'd seen one yesterday, I can finally confirm that I have today!! It's a Syrian Woodpecker. They are very similar to the Great Spotted Woodpecker  (in looks as well as the calls!), but told apart by the black line from the bill not continuing all the way to the nape, and the black outer tail feather, along with a few other less obvious differences. 

 Since first visiting Romania in June 2013, I have seen 9 of the 10 species of Woodpecker that breed here. Hopefully it wont be long before I catch up with a Three-toed Woodpecker. The next challenge will then be to photograph them all!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Quality not quantity...

Starting my yearly bird list in Romania was always going to be a bit of a challenge, because during the winter time most of the birds fly south and west to avoid the cold weather. Despite this there were still a few 'decent' species on show, and although we saw fewer than 20 species today we still managed to see Great Grey Shrike, Hawfinch, Crested Lark, Fieldfare (a Romanian 'tick'), Tree Sparrow and I think Syrian Woodpecker! Having never seen a Syrian Woodpecker before, I'll having to go back a make sure it definitely is one!

One of several Tree Sparrows seen. Unfortunately, a sight that is no longer common across most of the UK!