Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Murmuration magic...

Decided to take another trip to watch the Starlings coming in to roost at Llandegley this evening. Although there were far fewer predators in the skies, they still put on a brilliant display.

(a female Peregrine trying her luck!)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm not sure if your aware of the proposed Hendy wind farm at Llandegley, but I was wondering if at all possible I could get a list of your sightings at Llandegley, as after meeting the developer and asking the question about red kites they said that even though the survey was not yet published there was no significant red kite activity, I'm not a bird watcher, but I do know a red kite, I have several nesting close to my house and have seen at least 17 at one time in the area of the proposed wind farm,
    Thanks Pat
