Friday, 13 September 2013


After narrowly missing this Barn Owl on several occasions, it was nice to finally catch it (with help from Tony), and ring it. Tony had notice it in a barn several months ago, so I put a box up for it and was delighted to see that it had been using it.

Although it's too late (technically, although Barn Owls can breed throughout the year if conditions are right!) for him to breed this year, hopefully he can attract a mate next year and help boost the mid Wales Barn Owl population. With three out of the last four winters being very cold, and with lots of snow, Barn Owl numbers have plummeted. Lets this winter is a bit milder.

I also got to ring my second brood of Stock Doves from this barn this year. Presumably from the same parents that raised them in June.

Unfortunately, the younger sibling was a little camera shy!!

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